Mooksa will be the first online marketplace for anyone looking for hair products and tools for frizzy and curly hair. It says 'become', because we would like to invite you as a partner to shape this marketplace together with us.
Mooksa partner. What does that mean?
As a partner of Mooksa, you help with our mission to inspire people with frizzy and curly hair to love their hair. Through this marketplace model, we offer our target group a full selection of products that really suit their hair. Are your products suitable for people with this hair type? Then you are the Mooksa partner!
And oh yes, not too unimportant: we like to work with both large and small producers or sellers of hair products.

Why should I become a Mooksa Partner?
Reach the right target group immediately
Mooksa focuses on a niche market within the beauty & hair industry: people with frizzy and curly hair. We, the founders of Mooksa, are our own target group. It is therefore logical that we are fully aware of the needs and trends within this target group. By informing and inspiring them, they always make the right product choice at Mooksa.
Expand your reach and brand awareness
Our goal is to become the starting point for anyone looking for (information about) hair products and tools for frizzy and curly hair. We ensure an optimal customer experience on our platform, the marketing and the traffic to the website. As a partner of Mooksa, you thus benefit from a greater reach and brand awareness of your brand and products.
Instantly increase your turnover
The right target group? We got you! Greater range? We got you! By using Mooksa as an extra point of sale for your brand, you can immediately increase your turnover.

Mooksa Checklist
✓ You are enthusiastic about Mooksa and you can find yourself in one mission ☺
✓ Your hair products and/or tools are suitable for people with frizzy and curly hair.
✓ You are the owner of a brand or a reseller
✓ Your company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce
✓ You are able to send products and handle returns yourself and you can also provide track & trace links.
✓ You own high-quality images of the products you want to sell